
Texte selectate sau scrise de echipa redacţională: Vasile Ernu, Costi Rogozanu, Florin Poenaru.

Why the free market fundamentalists think 2013 will be the best year ever

"The Christmas issue of the Spectator ran an editorial entitled "Why 2012 was the best year ever". It argued against the perception that we...

Facebook Will Pay No Taxes, Get Huge Refund Instead

"During the year it went public, Facebook made $1.1 billion in profits. But thanks to some nifty accounting, the company won't be paying any...

Temă: BOR – rival al statului modern?

În ultimul timp, chestiunea Bisericii Ortodoxe Române a fost reaprinsă de cererea unor organizaţii ale societăţii civile ca statul să nu mai finanţeze biserica....

Premiul CriticAtac pe 2012: Victor Rizescu, pentru “Tranziţii discursive”

În urma deliberărilor, redacţia a decis să acorde Premiul CriticAtac  pe 2012 domnului Victor Rizescu, autoru al volumului Tranziţii discursive, Editura Corint. Cartea lui Victor Rizescu e...

Why I quit

"Systemic reasons The main focus of most of the important donors, governments and intergovernmental organisations when it comes to the Roma inclusion field is to...

No-Platform: Notes on the Hungarian Student Movement

"This article was written as a reaction to the latest developments in the Hungarian student movement. The student occupation of a building on the...

Stafford Hospital report points to decimation of Britain’s National Health Service

"The report into mistreatment and negligence at Stafford Hospital, England is more than an indictment of a single hospital or National Health Service Trust....

Datoria noastră ca membri CSM este de a nu lăsa nici CSM-ul şi, mai ales, nici sistemul de justiţie să devină prizonierul luptelor politice

Interviu cu Horațiu Dumbravă, membru CSM Victoria Stoiciu: Domnule Dumbravă, ați solicitat împreuna cu alți colegi din cadrul Secției de Judecători  CSM demisia de onoare...

Higher education under threat in Hungary

"Since the current government came into power in 2010, changes in the education system have been generally characterized by centralization, state control, overregulation and...

A Worker’s Struggle: How an attempt to create a real labor union lands you in a penal colony

"In August 2012, the magazine Russian Reporter published a long, detailed article on Valentin Urusov, a diamond miner and trade union activist from Yakutia...

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