Brazil: Over 200,000 protesting in cities across the country.
Turkey: protests continue daily (for more than two weeks), and now the government is threatening to...
by Jerome Roos on June 15, 2013 /
Once again, it’s kicking off everywhere: from Turkey to Bosnia, Bulgaria and Brazil, the endless struggle...
The avant-garde of neoliberal horrors has finally done away with the 8-hour working day.
On June 13, the Polish government eliminated the 8-hour working...
Early this morning, Turkish riot police stormed Taksim Square, the center of recent anti-government protests in Istanbul, firing tear gas and rubber bullets at...
Vladimir Borţun despre Piaţa Taksim:
Protestul social a cunoscut o schimbare substanțială în ultimii ani, iar evenimentele din Piața Taksim sunt o nouă dovadă în...
AFP citează noi ameninţări la adresa manifestanţilor venite din partea premierului Tayyp Erdogan:
ANKARA — Turkey's defiant Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told supporters his...
Sursa dezvăluirilor incredibile pentru Guardian, despre maniera în care NSA intră fără probleme în serverele marilor companii şi are acces direct la date private,...