Joi, 18 aprilie, de la ora 18.00, la Librăria Bastilia
la conferința:
Criza stîngii est-europene de Attila Melegh (HU)
Conferința urmată de discuții va fi susținută în limba engleză.
The talk is analyzing why there is no real left and why parts of the agenda of the left could be taken up by liberal or national conservative elite groups, what role global hierarchies play in this. How these fighting groups consolidate their power against people and their basic social rights? How these elite groups try to consolidate their own position and the position of some of the social groups at the expense of lower groups, marginals, outmigrants etc. or more importantly how they have tried to manipulate social relationships among the groups in order to hide national and/or that of global capital’s accumulation processes, positions and their internal fight over the shares between global and national capital.. Beyond these techniques, very importantly the talk will address why East European societies have not been able to build a socialism which could have been defended by those who benefited from it (not like in Venezuela or Cuba). Why do we experience a long series of counterrevolutions not only after socialism, but during and before socialisms (1920s and 1930s, 1956-57, 1989, and now)? Is it due to some East European social historical processes or only global/local political scenarios?